Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Murder, Manslaughter, Assault

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violent crimes defense attorneys

Experienced, Aggressive Defense When Your Freedom Is at Stake

If you or someone you know has been accused of a violent crime, such as a murder, vehicular homicide or manslaughter, they need the expert defense attorneys the Law Offices of Beles & Beles. Our violent crime defense lawyers have established themselves throughout the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area as the pre-eminent defenders of your freedom in cases involving murder, homicide and manslaughter. If your family member is charged with the killing of another person, call Oakland, Hayward, Fremont Pleasanton, Concord violent crimes defense attorney Robert J. Beles.

Robert J. Beles represented his first murder client in 1969, and has successfully represented hundreds of homicide clients. Mr. Beles won a highly publicized triple murder case where the defendant was charged with three first-degree murders and the prosecutor demanded the death penalty. The man went entirely free. To schedule a confidential consultation with one of our criminal law attorneys, contact the Law Offices of Beles & Beles.

In cases involving the death of another human being, there are many defenses available:

False Accusations

People are falsely accused of homicide. The experienced attorneys at the Law Offices of Beles & Beles know how to handle these false accusations with success. We use nationally-recognized experts in misidentification and false confessions. We know that factual investigation is often the key to get a person out from under the most serious of accusations. We utilize our reputation for aggressive defense to maximize the potential for early dismissals.


All too often homicide prosecutions are supported by unreliable informants with serious credibility issues. The lawyers at the Law Offices of Beles & Beles handle informant information with thorough investigation and searing cross examination at all stages. Just because a person says that you or your loved one committed a violent crime such as murder or manslaughter, does not mean that the information is reliable. We know how to diffuse and often destroy such testimony.

Mistaken Identification

Sometimes false accusations arise from pure human error of misidentifying the perpetrator of a violent crime. Study after study show that eyewitness identification is unreliable. The lawyers at the Law Offices of Beles & Beles effectively attack eyewitness misidentification with experts, investigation, such as crime scene reconstruction and vigorous cross-examination.


Law enforcement can often miss the most important witness in a murder or homicide prosecution – the alibi witness. Our lawyers find this person or documentary evidence early. We present this type of evidence to the prosecution and strive for the earliest release of our clients.

Self Defense

All too often, a person must kill another person in self defense. The law, and the lawyers here recognize that some homicides are justified because a person is acting in legitimate defense of self, others, or his home. Factual investigation and well-crafted presentation of this evidence can save a client from incarceration, or minimize the consequences of the act. We have successfully defended many clients with this defense.

Manslaughter – Heat of Passion

A killing can also be mitigated because it was committed in the heat of passion. Sometimes a person can be so provoked by another, that the killing does not amount to murder. Our lawyers know how to investigate the decedent and present this defense effectively to the prosecution. This can result in a plea bargain or in an acquittal of murder.

Psychiatric Defenses

A person may not be responsible for a violent crime such as murder or manslaughter because of psychiatric issues. Our lawyers can pinpoint the mental health issue early and use it to our greatest advantage. Expert Forensic Psychiatrists or Psychologists are a part of every experienced homicide lawyer’s arsenal. We work with the best experts and get the best results.


This is often the key to successful defense of a homicide or assault case. Our investigators are top notch, whether in house or the expert investigators we retain.

Vehicle Manslaughter

Unfortunately, simple accidents can result in death. This is a highly specialized area involving traffic experts and experts in accident reconstruction. We have the experience to help.

Assault and Battery

The principles outlined above used in defending the hundreds of homicide cases apply to all assaults, but there are a few areas specific to non-death assaults and batteries.

Mutual Combat

Sometimes a fight is just that, a fight. Two people can physically engage and neither of them should be held criminally liable for it. Our lawyers know how to investigate and analyze the facts to effectively present this defense.


Overzealous prosecutors often bring outrageous enhancements that exponentially increase the penalties for a simple assault or battery. Enhancements can include great bodily injury, gang clauses, use of a weapon clauses and others. Our lawyers know how to fight these enhancements with the law and the facts. We can protect you or your loved one from the prosecutor’s attempts to maximize a person’s time in jail.

Contact the Law Offices of Beles & Beles today

To schedule a consultation now with an experienced Alameda County and Contra Costa County homicide or assault crimes defense lawyer, contact the Law Offices of Beles & Beles.

State Certified Specialists
Robert Beles - State Certified Criminal Law Specialist
Anne Beles - State Certified Criminal Law Specialist
Paul McCarthy - State Certified Appellate Law Specialist
Emilio Parker - State Certified Immigration Law Specialist
California Board of Legal Specialization

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    Contact us for a free consultation: (510) 836‑0100
    Let our experience work for you. We can help!

    Very Pleased with Robert’s Services

    "Robert Beles and his team are straightening out my matters that the San Francisco public defender left in shambles. I had to be patient and wait for court dates and for judges to rule in my favor. Thanks to Robert and his team my future looks much better and my record is clean."


    Beles Law Office Can Handle Anything in the Criminal Law World

    "Robert has been practicing many many years and can handle anything. My experience with them has been great."

    Mike M.

    Super Lawyers California State Bar Preeminent Lawyers California Board of Legal Specialization National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
    California Attorneys for Criminal Justice Avvo Rating 10.0 - Robert J. Beles AILA Best of Oakland Winner
    Office Locations

    Oakland Office
    The Ordway Building
    1 Kaiser Plaza - Suite 2300
    Oakland, CA 94612
    Phone: (510) 836-0100
    Fax: 510-832-3690

    Hayward Office
    22320 Foothill Blvd.
    Hayward, CA 94541
    Phone: (510) 836-0100

    Fremont Office
    39560 Stevenson Place - St 217
    Fremont, CA 94536
    Phone: (510) 745-7755

    Pleasanton Office
    4900 Hopyard Rd. - Suite 100
    Pleasanton, CA 94588
    Phone: (925) 460-5400

    Walnut Creek Office
    2121 N. California Blvd
    Walnut Creek, CA 94507
    Phone: (925) 460-5400

    San Jose
    2880 Zanker Road, Suite 203
    San Jose, CA 95134
    Phone: (510) 836-0100

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